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Traffic Delays for Missoula

Maintenance on three major roadways in south-central Missoula is expected to cause traffic delays beginning Monday, July 29th through early August.  Crews are chip sealing sections of Higgins Avenue, Brooks Street, and Mount Avenue. Chip seal protects the street surface and prevents erosion , extending the life of the road surface.  Please exercise caution while driving over the rock chips.

Although there will be no official road closures, travel lanes will be shifted to accommodate the work, which could mean short traffic delays and temporary detours.

The City of Missoula’s public works department began implementing the chip seal program since 1987 to seal the pavement surface from weather deterioration,  reduce potholes, and in the long run, save money.

Most of the rock chips will remain on the road for the next two to three weeks before city cleaning trucks sweep it up.

The specific work areas include:   Brooks Street from Higgins to Mount;  Mount Street from Brooks to Higgins; Higgins Street from Brooks to South Avenue; and a block of Hill Street. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by Friday, August 2.


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